Friday, May 20, 2011

Can a women teach a male to be a man and vice versa?

Can a woman teach a male to be a man and vice versa?

Honestly, I think so

 I have a question...If we could describe what a man is what would your description be? Women, would it be filled with all the things you want your man to do? And if he doesn't do those things does that really make him less than a man?  Men how would you define a man?   Would it be based on what men don't do?  I've often heard that men don't cry.  Men aren't weak—tell that to the men who don’t take care of their kids—Men what are men suppose to do?  Count how many women they've slept with?  How many hearts they've broken?  Would their manhood be based on what kind of car they drive or how they did 10 years for their Man like a Man!

To everyone is being a Man about being quiet?  Newsflash everyone! Men talk more than women just ask his boy. All this talk about what a real Man is and isn't as if there are fake men.  Well, I'll leave that alone.  Anyway there is much debate about a whether or not, a woman can teach a man to be a man and vice versa.    I think a man and a woman can teach a child of either sex to be responsible, respectful, committed, and anything else that should be a part of the basic make up of their character.

 I understand the logic behind the idea that a women can't teach a man to be a man, but I don't think that's what a responsible women is trying to do or a responsible man teaching a young girl to be a lady is trying to do, for that matter. The idea that a woman can't teach a man to be a man is both right and wrong in my opinion.  No, a woman can't teach a man to be a man from the position of being a man, but what is a man really other than someone who displays a certain character and the position he uses when he uses the bathroom. 

Any man or women can teach either sex to have character if they possess the quality of character they wish to see that boy or girl display when they become adults. I think our problem when it comes to this issue is the words we choice to communicate our problem with it.  We have always spoke about a women not being able to teach a man to be a man or a man not being able to teach a women to be a women.

 Honestly, NOT BEING ABLE TO TEACH a boy or a girl to be a man or a woman when you are of the opposite sex isn't the problem.  The problem is whether or not you can teach and train that child to develop character.   Let’s face it, most of our children both Men and Women are nothing more than adults acting like children.  There issue isn’t whether or not there body parts agree with how they act.  This issue is un-development to us a better word Immaturity. 

There was a story on television of a man cheating on his fiancé', then while crying and pleading for her to come back said "I didn't have a man in my life", as if that was the reason he cheated.  That pissed me off because I don't know my father, but I do know right from wrong.  This issue men and women have as adult’s is not about being a REAL Man or a REAL Woman.  It's about being mature adults who know better and operate with a mature level of responsibility.

 Anyone can help develop another to be mature whether it is a man or a woman. It's not about a man teaching a young girl to be a woman or a woman teaching a young boy to be a man. It's about adults developing their children to be mature adults....Like Tyler Perry said "Being 18 doesn't make you an adult, being 18 makes you legal". Any man or women and teach a boy or girl to be mature.  Stop using not having a father or mother around as an excuse to be less than who you are.  You're an adult male or female act like oneIf you don't know how.....Learn.

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