Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Simon Says: Keep Waiting...

Have you ever played the game Simon says?  If so, then you know the rules to the game.  There is a person named Simon and you have to wait for Simon to say Simon says and tells you what to do before you do it.  If you do something without Simon saying Simon says then you’re out the game.  Have you ever noticed that there are two things happening to the people in the audience playing Simon says. 

1.  They are WAITING to figure out what Simon wants them to do.


2.  They are WAITING for Simon to give them permission to do what he says do, by saying Simon says.

Interestingly, most people's lives are like this.  

Most People are waiting, waiting for someone to tell them who they are and give them permission to be greater than the person they've become.  I remember when I was waiting.  I was lying in bed around 1pm in the afternoon bored with my life, and I decided to pop in one of my favorite movies:  The Matrix.  I've probably seen this movie a thousand times, but this time was different for some reason I found myself paying more attention to what was said and why. 

If you haven't seen the matrix it's a movie with Keano Reeves (Mr. Anderson/Neo/The One) and Lawrence Fischburne (Morpheus).  Human have created AI=Artificial Intelligence only this Intelligence creates a race of machines and it starts a war between humans and machine.  To make a long story short there is a prophecy that says this guy who died, the One, would return as someone else and his return would end the war, that person is Neo only he doesn’t know it.

 If you haven't seen it go watch it, it's a great movie.

Well there is a scene in the movie where Morpheus takes Neo to see the oracle (the lady who prophesied The One's return). 

The Oracle say to Neo "Let me let you in on a little secret about being "The One"  Being The One is like being in love, no one can tell you you’re in love you just know it.  Finally she looks at his face, looks in his mouth, looks at his hands and says "You already know what i'm going to tell you"  To which Neo say "I'm NOT the one"  The Oracle said " sorry kid you've got the gift, but it looks like your waiting for something

I must have been losing my mind because the oracle turns and looks at me and says “You’re wondering what Neo is waiting for aren’t you?  I’m like “yeah” She said good question, but you already know the answer.  I said “I do!  What?”   She said "What are you waiting for?"   My head wanted to answer, but my heart step in and spoke first.  Don’t act like you don’t talk to your T.V. 

As crazy as it sounds at that moment I understood what Neo was waiting for.  It's what we've all been waiting for.
Neo, like you and I are waiting for someone to tell us who we are.  We're waiting for someone to give us permission to be greater than the person we've become.  I was lying down in my bed doing nothing with my life, waiting.  Waiting to be loved, waiting to be healed from past hurts, waiting to be forgiven, waiting for that lotto check, (still waiting for that one) waiting for the pain of what was now my life to end.  I was waiting to die. 

Most people flunk school while waiting and go from destructive relationship to destructive relationship while waiting.  Many of us get high on weed, crack and cocaine while waiting. 

Most of us are playing a real life game of Simon says. 

Someone once said to me “I am trying to figure out who I am.  How do you figure that out”.  I said that's the problem.  You're trying to FIGURE OUT something that cannot be FIGURED OUT.   I told her about that day watching the matrix and said I'm going to tell you the same message I understood the Oracle was telling Neo. 

No one can tell you who you are and you don't figure out who you are.


You can be whoever you want to be.  Unfortunately most of us have unconsciously made decisions about who we are and who we'll be.  Just look at the choices you make and you'll know who you've decided to be.  But you can CHOOSE TO CHANGE.

YOU CAN BE a jerk, rude, a liar, scared, angry, bitter, resentful and poor


YOU CAN BE Kind, Trustworthy, Respectful, Fair, Honesty, Honorable, Admirable, Diligent, Committed, Joyful, Patient, Peaceful, and WEALTHY either way,


S0, who are you?
Or should I ask

Who do you, choose to be?

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As Always

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Charles Henderson
Phone: 617-329-9007
Chief Rebuilder
The Rehab Project:
Because a Life can be...REBUILT!

Find us on Facebook & Twitter@ TheRehabProject
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1 comment:

  1. Hey bro, I love this post. I could literally see you having this conversation with your tv. In any event, the power of choice flies so directly in the face of the notion that life has predetermined our respective destinies. Empowered by the spirit of God, we can truly do all things, yet how many of us truly are able to let go of our past experiences that cloud our current outlooks upon self? True empowerment comes when we can see the laden power in our choices and begin to believe the Word's witness about us versus our own.
