Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Can you see, it before you see it?

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I’ve heard a story about Walt Disney and the struggles he overcome in the process of creating the #1 corporation--(so I’ve heard)--in the world.  What is vision anyway? defines vision in several different ways. 
The act or power of sensing with the eyes; sight. The act or power of anticipating that which will or may come to be: prophetic vision; the vision of an entrepreneur.
An experience in which a person, thing, or event appears vividly or credibly to the mind.

–verb (used with object)
To envision: She tried to vision herself in a past century.

It is often preach in church service:  Where there is no vision the people cast of restraint.  NIV.  Or, where there is no vision the people perish.  KJV.  I love them both. 
Vision is what provides us our line of site our target, our primary aim.  Without it we are like a ship tossed back and forth at any blow of a breeze or storm, because we have no anchor.  A powerful vision does several things.  One it allows you to have a mental picture of what the desire of your heart will look like.
It is Faith expressed visually.  Faith is defined biblical as the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.  A vision is the belief that what you envision (the substance of things hoped for) will one day become seen by those who do not have the capacity to handle what is in your mind’s eye because for you, vision is--(the evidence, to you of things not seen)--by the eyes of another. 

It had been said that After Walt Disney had past, his wife had the privilege of cutting the ribbon when they opened Disney World's Epcot center, when she cut the ribbon, one of the executive said “ I  wish Walt would have had the privilege of seeing his dream". She turns and looks at the executive with a smile and said "He did". 
And she was right.  Vision allowed Walt Disney to see and experience Disney world long before the first visitor stepped foot on the Disney world enterprise. 
 I recently sat down and thought about my vision and purpose and wondered what would I love to be able to see as a result of my life, something that is inspiring to me?

My Vision- To be whole--(Mature and fully developed)--and bring wholeness to every area of my life.

My Purpose- To live a life worth living. 

As I think about my unborn children, I often imagine myself calling them all by name, having them come around me as I speak to each one of them and impart my love and life in them, as I teach them about what it means “to live a life worth living.” The message is simple: "It is not about what you do, it's about who you are".  I imagine that one day I would die and leave each of them with a personal letter from me addressed to them, sharing my thoughts and views of them, tell them exactly who they are.  I imagine living a life worthy of hearing them say at my funeral "He lived A life worth living, with such passion, dedication, and love that I aspire to be like him.  I know my purpose and it is worth the effort, energy, and enthusiasm it takes to achieve it, and for me, like my father, that pursuit is simple:  "To live a life worth living".  

Although my body will have faded into eternity my vision will live, in my children and thus I will live in them as they had lived in me, long before they came to be.  Proverbs 13:22a says "a good man leaves in inheritance for his children’s children.   This means more than material wealth.  My vision will leave wealth that surpasses the precious metals of silver and gold and that is the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding that comes for "A life worth living".   

What a sight to see, that the fruit of my life would be that of my children, those of my loins and those that aren't, desiring, aspiring, and being proud to imitate my way of life.  My hope is that my life would imitate that of Christ, humble, confident, powerful, and appreciative of every blessing God has bestowed upon me.  It is clear to me that if I ever say that I want my children to be better than me it is because I have failed to live
A life that is worthy of them living.  What's your vision?  Is it to own a company, go to college and get your degree?  Is it building skycrapers?  What's your vision?  This is but a glimpse of my vision & purpose.  I can see it, Can you?

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Charles Henderson
Phone: 617-329-9007
Chief Rebuilder
The Rehab Project:
Because a Life can be...REBUILT!
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