Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Mirror of Life

Trying to change to who we want to be, without first facing who we are is like trying to get to California without knowing you’re in Massachusetts.  It will be a long journey for a man who can tell me where he wants to go, but cannot tell me where he is.
While I was in the shower one night it occurred to me that physically, I wouldn’t know what I truly looked like if I didn’t have a mirror to show my reflection.  There is another mirror that is with us always that can show us what we truly believe about ourselves: Our actions.

Our actions show us whether or not what we say we believe about ourselves is true, but without looking into the mirror of our actions we can’t see who we are or better yet who we’ve become as a result of the conditioning that has taken place that's been programming us to think, feel, and do what we do every day. 

If you don’t put a mirror in front of you to see yourself as you are now, how will you ever know you need to change?  I believe we are all born with the person we want to be hot wired into us, but we live our lives disconnected from that wiring, and plugged into a fantasy of who we want others to believe we are.  While life beats us and beats us, asking us, “Who are you and why are you here?” Like they did Wesley in the movie "Wanted".  The longer the question goes unanswered the more beatings we take.  Beatings in abusive relationships, beatings on jobs we don’t like, beatings in our finances, beatings from every area of our lives because we  won’t be honest about who we are now, in order to become who we need to be. 

In the book world class speaker by Craig Valentine & Mitch Meyerson, one of the first marketing rules they learned in business was "People don’t know how bad their pain is until you point it out.  Then, and only then, will they work to change it."

The pain in your life itself is trying to show you something about you.  It is trying to show you that currently you are not who you want others to think you are, although you can be.  But, unless you acknowledge the negative views about yourself that have been pressed upon you and the pain those negative views have caused you in the life you live, your tolerance level for pain will continue to grow, desensitizing you from seeing the problem and doing something to find the solution.  Your life will continue to punch, shake, and beat you trying to get you to wake up, open your eyes and look in the mirror.  Change is possible, but it not someTHING outside of you that needs to change, but someONE inside you that needs to change.  It’s the view you have of yourself, your self-image that needs to be renewed.

Share your questions, comments, concern or criticisms in the comments section.  I'd really appreciate what you have to say.

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As Always
Thank you for coming to visit!
Charles Henderson
Phone: 617-329-9007
Chief Rebuilder
The Rehab Project:
Because a Life can be...REBUILT!
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The Rehab Project


  1. This is soo deep and true.... I really like it a lot... I mean I can see myself as I read this.... it is also very touching and life changing for those who need a wake up call

  2. I love this!!! Please keep me posted when your book is out!!!! This is so universal to everyone, because we all are in search of who we are. Whether we are trying to figure out the mold God has set for us Jeremiah 29:11. Or do not believe in God, He is still constantly molding us. It is up to us to not put limitations on who we can become. Beautifully articulated!!

  3. I love this!!! Please keep me posted when your book is out!!!! This is so universal to everyone, because we all are in search of who we are. Whether we are trying to figure out the mold God has set for us Jeremiah 29:11. Or do not believe in God, He is still constantly molding us. It is up to us to not put limitations on who we can become. Beautifully articulated!!
