Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Are you being consistent?

I set a goal about a week and a half ago to write 250 words a day, and so far I have been consistent.  But we all know that there is an unusual excitement with doing something new.  I think the challenge and the initial vision of what it will feel like when I have accomplished my goal of writing my first book--which will be a best seller translated into several different languages around the world selling millions upon millions globally--has pushed me thus far, but we all know like every relationship we start when the honey moon is over the real work is keep the fire going.  I have my days where I don't want to write, not because I can't but what happens is I'll sometimes write way more than 250 words and my mind wants to justify not writing for several days.

Has that ever happened to you?  Have you ever justified the idea of slacking because you did more today than you needed to?  My mind will say "Hey you just wrote 2 times more than what you said you were going to write yesterday, you should take today off!" or "Wow you should be proud of yourself you did like 5 or 6 days worth of writing you can take a break for a few days and still come up with the same number of words if you did it every day!  That was today's argument.

Unfortunately as much as my mind wants to convince me that I can take days off since I did about 6 days worth of writing in 1 day, doesn't justify me not keeping promises to myself.  Hey, if you can't keep a promise to yourself you can never truely keep promises to others.  I realize you can't take days off because you went beyond your goal for the day.  Writing is much like training for a marathon, you can't run 13 miles today and then 13 miles in a week and think you've put yourself in the best possible position mentally and physically to not only start well but to finish strong.  The 2009 words isn't really that impressive what's impressive it to do atleast 250 words everyday...Doing what you say you're going to do when you say you're going to do it, even when you don't feel like it, that's impressive.  Consistency yields results not 2009 words.  Are you being consistent? 

Share your questions, comments, concern or criticisms in the comments section.  I'd really appreciate what you have to say.

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Charles Henderson
Phone: 617-329-9007
Chief Rebuilder
The Rehab Project:
Because a Life can be...REBUILT!
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1 comment:

  1. I'll be straight with you, I haven't been doing the 250 per day, every day. Not for the reasons you have listed, but primarily I still give ear to my internal editor sometimes and question whether or not what I've written merited writing. All in all however, I still am continuing with the drive, knowing that we are what we consistently do. I have written with regularity, and I will write with regularity. The only way to bridge that gap is to keep writing.
